Executive Coach

Recent Assignments


Recent Assignments

MD of country BU for global Oil & Gas major

Transitioning from a regional functional role to his first major P&L responsibility. Helping him develop broader leadership skills and learning to lead through others.

Country Chair of International Oil producer

Major transition from a regional MD role to a high-profile role representing the firm at National Cabinet level. Helping the client build influence externally and internally and develop a Country policy strategy.

First time CEO of fast-growing PE backed energy utility

Helping a small business founder develop the skills, strategy and insights to succeed as a first time CEO for private investors.

MD of UK gas and electricity retailer

High profile strategy consultant transitioning to major P&L responsibility. Helping the client develop greater self-awareness to adapt his leadership style to deliver corporate expectations, build his reputation and remain authentic to his values.

Brand manager for US pharmaceutical firm

Helping a super smart pharma marketer develop influencing strategies in a conservative and highly matrixed firm that values long term relationships.

Project Director for global transformation program

HR professional struggling with huge workload and high profile responsibility while maintaining work-life balance. Helping the client develop better management and influencing skills while gaining more self-awareness of how their own perfectionism and imposter syndrome were holding them back.

European President in Automotive sector

Career marketer transitioning to first P&L role. Helping the client develop broad leadership skills, win trust from a disempowered team and lead a new strategy development process.



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