Executive Coach


Coaching – Objectives, Tools and Approaches



Coaching objectives

The overall objective of the coaching process is to enable a leader to build greater awareness and motivation in order to develop and deploy more effective leadership approaches and behaviours which in turn will result in greater team performance and help the leader flourish in their role.

Successful coaching builds on two key foundations.

Greater client awareness:

  • Of their own innate strengths and talents; not just their successful learned behaviours.

  • Of their own beliefs and drivers which implicitly influence their behaviour as a leader.

  • Of how their leadership is seen by people around them.

Greater motivation to change:

  • Requires client self-confidence in their ability to develop successful new leadership approaches & resilience to setbacks.

  • Confidence of strong support from their manager and the wider organisation

My coaching program builds on these foundations to help clients develop sustainable changes to their leadership approach which result in lasting performance improvement.



Tools & approaches

Taking these fundamentals, I use specific tools and approaches to deliver sustainable coaching outcomes.


Clear and aligned goals

Establishing a coaching framework around the question ‘What does success look like?’

Strengths insights

Developing a deeper and more profound understanding of innate strengths and talents.

360 Feedback

Conducted through a series of individual telephone interviews to gather rich, nuanced insights.


Helping clients gain insights into the underlying drivers of their learned behaviours.

Development planning, review and reflection

Developing a clear pathway from insights to action, integrating with existing HR systems.

Coach mentoring

Conversations to challenge a client’s proposals and offer fresh insights that help develop the client’s thinking.

Manager engagement and alignment

Starting and finishing the program with a three-way meeting between the coach, the client and their manager.

Organisational support

Working with the client’s Talent Manager or other appropriate HR professional in the development planning discussion and close-out review.

Assessment and evaluation

A brief series of follow up 360 interviews are often useful to provide feedback and identify areas for further development.



Explore Coaching

Arrange a call today.


Keith Johnson